Inspirational Poems

* Before

* How Beautiful the Sunrise

* If Ever

* In the Father’s Keeping

* Last One I Talk To

* Morning Praise

* My Everything

* On Eagle’s Wings

* Sinner’s Prayer

* So I Pray

* The Day That Jesus Died

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If Ever . . .

  If there was ever a place I could meet with you, it would be here

   If there were ever a time I could call on you, it would be now

   For you are here in the present, you were there in the past

   And you will always be with me

   If ever I find I'm slipping away, you will draw me close

   If ever I lose my way, you will bring me back home

   You send your angels to guard me, you meet me where I am

   For you are always beside me, leading me where you want me to go

   If there's ever a night I am frightened, you comfort me

   If there's ever a time I am falling, you carry me

   There's no struggle to small you don't care about

   There's no mountain to high you can't reach me

   When I fall on my knees and cry "Father," you always hear

   You see me in the quite of my room

   When I can't go another step there you are

   When I can't take a stand because I'm so tired from the running

   Even then you are there in the midst of my sorrow

   Even then you are there giving hope for my tomorrow

   My strength has failed and darkness is setting in

   If there was ever a time when needed you more, that time is right now

  by Kelsey Konrad