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* So I Pray

* The Day That Jesus Died

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The Day That Jesus Died . . .

  Thunder roared through out the sky

  Darkness covered the earth

  The dead were raised once more to life

  The day that Jesus died

  Hell rejoiced, the victory won

  Revenge on Christ the promised one

  No more could God win back His son

  The day that Jesus died

  The earth began to shake

  Their hearts in sorrow brake

  At his feet they cried

  The day that Jesus died

  The temple curtain split

  All sins on Him were laid

  God turns His face away

  The day that Jesus died

  Now all my sins are paid

  The sacrifice is made

  The Lamb of God was slain

  The day that Jesus died

  Heaven rejoiced and sang

  The grave no more to claim

  He has won the victory

  Jesus is Alive!

   by Kelsey Konrad