Inspirational Poems

* Before

* How Beautiful the Sunrise

* If Ever

* In the Father’s Keeping

* Last One I Talk To

* Morning Praise

* My Everything

* On Eagle’s Wings

* Sinner’s Prayer

* So I Pray

* The Day That Jesus Died

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In the Father’s Keeping . . .

  My dear son, it is 2am and you are heavy on my heart

   I can not sleep for thoughts of you, you are ever in my prayers

   Freedom has it's price, and peace does not come easy

   Somewhere tonight you are out there, fighting for what's right

   As a babe I carried you and at night I heard your cry

   I turned my ear to hear you every time that you would call

   But this night you are far from me, as you fight for our great nation

   I do not hear you when you cry, I can not hear your call

   In your youth I knelt beside you and listened as you prayed

   Asking God to bless us and keep us every day

   Now I'm the one who's praying by my bedside every night

   Asking that the Father would guard you with his might

   The Lord he watches over you, and will never leave your side

   From day to day, he's still the same, his love will never change

   Be it night or be it day, whether awake or sleeping

   Nothing will take you too far away, you are in your Father's keeping

   by Kelsey Konrad