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Spring is officially here, I can hear the birds chirping outside in the early morning (one of my most favorite sounds). The weather hasn’t warmed up too much yet, but compared to the frigid winter temperatures it feels wonderful!

There’s just something about the coming of spring that makes me want to spring into action.

Yesterday my husband took our 1-1/2 year old out for a little excursion so that I could have a couple hours to clean up the little studio apartment we’ve been staying in.

I have to say, living as missionaries (especially during furlough/deputation months) makes it very difficult to keep up with housework and clutter. We live between different houses, our possessions are scattered across two continents, and frequent trips or visitations means barely unpacking our bags from one trip before having to pack up again to head off to the next place.

So, with a couple weeks planned out for us to stay in one location, the contents of our last trip still waiting to be unpacked, piles of laundry waiting to be done, and a closet jam packed (and overflowing) with all the stuff we’ve accumulated throughout our furlough (most of which we can’t take back to Africa with us) . . . plus with the weather being more cheery with the return of spring, it seemed the perfect time to roll up my sleeves and tackle the house.

Spring cleaning! I love it!

The glorious feeling that the cold gloomy winter is over, the days are progressively getting longer, and everything around me holds the promise of new birth and transformation.

After a full day of deep cleaning, our house is finally looking (and feeling) great. But in the process of getting the home in order I realized my task is only half done.

Our home is not the only thing that has suffered the long winter months and the frequent transitions of missionary life.

As I look at my quiet times with the Lord (or rather the lack thereof) and I examine my heart and the attitudes that reflect it’s condition, it’s plain to see that my spiritual life could use it’s own round of deep cleaning.

But this isn’t something I can tackle all in one day. So I’m going to divide it up and do it in sections – taking as long as I need to in order to thoroughly accomplish each part of the spring cleaning task . . .

Part Seven: Wash Away the Filth
Part Nine: Make the Bed

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“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.”
(Psalm 51:10ESV)

“Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.”
(Hebrews 10:22ESV)

Spiritual Spring Cleaning

March 20, 2016