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Homeschool For (almost) Free
Whether you are working with a really tight budget or just trying to be a good steward
of God-
“These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”
(Deuteronomy 6:6-
Homeschool Field Trip Ideas
Field trips can be a GREAT way for kids to learn by discovery. There are countless possibilities for field trips and most of them are free.
Here is a listing of field trip ideas to help you get started . . .
Homeschool Catalogues
Looking for great homeschool curriculum to suite your teaching methods or your particular student’s learning styles?
Here’s a great list of publishers that offer free catalogues of their homeschool curriculum . . . as well as reviews on the curriculum being offered.
Home School Legal Defense Association
Are you a member of HSLDA?
HSLDA is a non-
The HSLDA website features helpful information and resources for homeschoolers, as well as news articles related to homeschooling in the US. You can visit their website at:
Early Learning: Preschool & Kindergarten
The early years are so formative! So much of your child’s interests and personality is being developed and nurtured.
The things your child learns in Preschool and Kindergarten help to lay a foundation of skills that they will use and build upon for the rest of their lives.
Letter of the Week Learning Activities
Explore each of the 26 letters of the alphabet with learning activities and themed projects that encompass a wide assortment of school subjects!
Including videos, crafts, printable activity pages, virtual field trips, and more!
Geography Kids
Virtually travel the world without ever leaving the classroom!
With pretend passports, movies, games, crafts, cultural dances, and more, your kids will learn about the different countries and cultures around the world, and have fun exploring the wonderful world they live in!
What Does My Child Need to Learn . . . ?
It can be very easy to doubt your abilities as a homeschooler if you don’t have a
clear idea of what your child is supposed to be learning at each grade level, which
is why I’ve put together this very simple, grade-