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The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone.

I will make a helper suitable for him.”

(Genesis 2:18NIV)

 Praying for Your Husband

When my husband and I got married, I wanted to be very intentional about praying for him. . .and not just the general “I know I should”, vague, prayers. . .but really praying through each and every aspect of his life. So I took the time to write out very specific prayers that I continue to use even today.

 Favorite Books on Marriage

There is a lot of great advice to be found on the web, but there is nothing to compare to the value of a quality book in which a good author has gone to great pains to research and write a piece of art that addresses the very issues we face. This is a listing of some of the best marriage books I have ever read; books I would highly recommend to others.  

 Basic Needs of Husbands and Wives

Understanding the basic needs of husbands and wives rests in the understanding of womanhood and manhood and the differences God created between them. In today’s world, the equality of men and women has been drawn out so much that to suggest differences between male and female is very unpopular. However, to ignore the differences is both unrealistic and unbiblical. God created male and female, and He created them with unique

 Loving Your Husband in Ways He Can Feel

Men and women are different – that is a fact that you come to realize more and more the longer you are married. Their differences span through every area of life, including the area of romance. Men and women have different ways in which they feel loved. As a wife, you have probably provided many romantic gestures that have seemed to go unnoticed by your husband,

 Three Kinds of Men – Which Did You Marry?

Men are not all the same. I have become aware that there are basically three types of men. The different types are just as marked in one-year-olds as they are in adult men. It seems that God made each male to express one side of his triad nature. No single man completely expresses the well-rounded image of God. If a man were all three types at the same time, he would be the perfect man , but I have never met, heard of, or read in a book of history or

 When Love is Spelled R-E-S-P-E-C-T

Feeling unloved is about the worst thing in the world for a woman. We value love as an essential part of our lives, and can often feel like the entire world is crashing down around us when our spouse has done even the slightest thing that was not loving or made us doubt their level of love or care for us. Love is an essential part of our make up; a critical part of our every day

 Toilet Seats and Dirty Socks

Every woman has her pet-peeves about being a wife and homemaker. Most often pet-peeves are little, insignificant things that really should be of no consequence to us. They wouldn’t matter so much if it weren’t for the fact that they are present and persistent day-in and day-out. It seems like no matter where you go there it is staring you in the face, taunting you and scraping away at your delicate nerves.

 Married Woman Home Alone

Like many women, my husband’s work requires him to travel from time to time. Fortunately for me, it is seldom for longer than a week, but even a few days can seem like an eternity when you’re home alone (and yes, it can still feel like you’re alone even with kids). Time really does go by faster when you have things to keep your mind and hands busy. This can be a great opportunity to get some extra things done


 Sex After Baby

There are a lot of factors that greatly hinder (or even kill) your sex life after you’ve had a baby. It is a time of great transition and change as well as unbelievable exhaustion and untimely interruptions. But sex is a key part of your relationship and an essential part of your marriage, so whatever challenges you have to overcome, don’t give up, be intentional about finding solutions, and be