Spiritual Spring Cleaning

Part Seven: Wash Away the Filth
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I’m still working on this Spiritual Spring Cleaning Article but it
should be up soon, so be sure to check back!
Soap in the mouth . . . discontented or complaining words, harsh tones, lies, deceit,
broken promises . . . Wash away the filth and bring back gentleness, truth, and words
that built up instead of tear down.
Out of the mouth the heart speaks (Luke 6:45 ESV)
* Philippians 2:14
* Ps 51:7
Applying This to My Life
In the book of James it tells us, “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive
yourselves, do what it says.” (James 1:22NIV)
So how am I going to apply this practically today?
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