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Spiritual Spring Cleaning

Part One: Open the Windows . . . Let the “Son” Shine In!!

When that first warm breeze blows over and the weather reaches above 60 degrees for the first time all winter . . . Nothing feels better to me than to draw back the curtains, throw open the windows, and soak in the warmth of the sunbeams.

There is something magnificently stimulating about that moment! I find myself breathing is a long deep breath of fresh air and all of a sudden I feel refreshed, energized, and motivated to get up and do something!

Before that moment I may have been feeling sluggish, tired, drained, and just wishing to crawl back under the covers. But with one sweet caress of the sun’s rays and the gentle stroke of the warm spring breeze, and all that changes!

You can take that analogy however you want, but the point I’d like to make is that before you even begin taking any steps for Spiritual Spring Cleaning, just take a moment to bask in the presence of Christ . . . because, face it, any number of “to do” lists, any number of motivational materials, any number of tactics or strategies (even faithfully reading through this blog) . . . the truth is, none of these things can accomplish what one moment at the Lord’s feet can do for you!

Martha’s Work Load . . . With Mary’s Heart

How well we remember the story of Martha and Mary . . . two sisters who opened their home to Jesus. Martha was worried and concerned by all the work she had to do, but Mary just sat at Jesus’ feet.

When Jesus rebuked Martha for her complaints against Mary, He was certainly not saying we should abandon our work or throw out our “to do” lists. Not at all.

What he was doing was showing us a simple truth and somewhat of a “spiritual secret” . . . when we take the time to bask in the presence of our Lord, all the other things that were burdensome to us will no longer be a care or concern.

“Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33ESV)

It doesn’t make a lot of sense in our human minds. So often we feel like there is more to do than we ever have time for and we feel like the only way to accomplish everything on our lists is to get right to it and just do it!

But that’s where Jesus shows us a incredible secret. You see, you are more than flesh and bones . . . you are created in the image of God, and God is Spirit (John 4:24). We do not see or understand the spirit, which is why we need our Lord to teach us.

When He says that Mary chose the greater thing, we would be wise to choose the same.

Sit at Jesus’ Feet

I have seen this play out in my life in so many different scenarios and I can say from experience that my greatest, most productive, and most joy-filled days have been the ones that started out by basking in the Lord’s presence.

And just like throwing the windows open and soaking in the warmth of the spring sunlight all of a sudden motivates me to get up and start doing something . . . the same is true when it comes to basking in the Lord’s presence.

I am convinced that after a moment of sitting and hearing what Jesus had to say, both Martha and Mary, got up a few moments later with a new spring in their step. They felt more at peace with each other and suddenly felt motivated to serve the guests that had come to their home. It was no longer a chore or a task that “needed to be done” . . . it was a joy and a delight!

All their guests were served a delicious meal. There were drinks and refreshments all around. And the best part of all . . . all the work got done and it didn’t even feel like work!

Of course, it doesn’t say that in the text, the story doesn’t give us the outcome, it only gives us the lesson. But I’ve seen this very thing play out in my own life . . . the simple fact that basking in the Lord’s presence results in action!

On those mornings when I’ve spent time reading God’s Word and taking time to pray for my family and for the plans and the “agenda” I have for the day . . . I feel like a fresh spring breeze blows over my soul, and suddenly there’s no need for me to “negotiate” with my body to find the energy to get up and go to work . . . my feet can hardly keep up with the spiritual energy that drives me.

And there’s no need to “negotiate” with my emotions to be cheerful and kind to the people around me . . . after spending time specifically praying for them I see them in a completely different light. I see them as Jesus sees them. And more importantly, I see Jesus in them . . . so how can I be anything but kind to them?!

Applying This to My Life

In the book of James it tells us, “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves, do what it says.” (James 1:22NIV)

So how am I going to apply this practically today?

I would encourage you to take a couple moments (preferably with a pen and paper) and jot down a couple things you are going to do today, even right now after reading this (the sooner the better!) that will be doing something as a result of what you’ve just been learning.

Your answers may be different than mine, but here’s what I am going to do in obedience to the word I have received today . . . and as my first steps toward Spiritual Spring Cleaning . . .

1) Pick a Book of the Bible to Read Through

I am going to pick the book of Mark and start reading through it.

It’s a book of the Bible that I’ve been meaning to read through for quite a while now, but I haven’t been getting very far.

2) Print the Picture Below to Use as a Bible Bookmark

To help with my above goal, I’m going to print the picture at the bottom of this page and put it in my Bible at the book of Mark, to serve as a reminder to me that before I try doing anything else today, I need to first open the windows and let the “Son” shine in!

3) Place My Bible in a Prominent Spot (where I’ll see it!)

Also, to help with goal #1, I am going to place my Bible in a place in the house where I am going to see it on a regular basis . . . My goal being to actually open it up periodically throughout the day, so I’m not just reading it once a day, but really basking in it and soaking it in!

4) Pray for Freshness in My Spiritual Walk

I heard someone say recently that God is a Creator, He is able to make our times with Him new, exciting, and different every single time! That’s what I want! I don’t want any more stale or stagnant time with the Lord, I want to really enjoy His presence and experience it in new ways every time. So that is what I am going to be praying for!

5) Start Bible Art Journaling

I am a very visual person, and find it so much easier to express myself in writing or drawing. I recently purchased an ESV Journaling Bible, so one of the ways I want to add “freshness” to my quiet times is to really take the time to do Bible Art Journaling and really meditate on the Word of God and not just rush through it as something to “check off my list”.

>> Part 2: Declutter (& Prioritize)

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