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Spiritual Spring Cleaning

Part Eleven: Clean Out the Refrigerator

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I’m still working on this Spiritual Spring Cleaning Article but it

should be up soon, so be sure to check back!

Whenever I clean out the refrigerator I can’t help but evaluate what kind of foods we’ve been eating.

Well, the same goes for spiritual spring cleaning. I need to take the time to evaluate what I’ve been “taking in”, especially what I’ve been taking in through my eyes and ears . . . What music have I been listening to? What movies have I been watching? What books have I been reading? If I really want a clean heart and a nourished soul what changes do I need to make in these areas?

Digest the Word of God!

Applying This to My Life

In the book of James it tells us, “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves, do what it says.” (James 1:22NIV)

So how am I going to apply this practically today?

Related Passages for Meditation
