Note: If you know of other similar resources please email me about them at:

- Care, Support, & Community
       - Care Packages
       - Encouragement & Counseling
       - Help for Missionary Moms
       - Support Groups
- Church Planting
- Community Development
       - Economics & Agriculture
       - Healthcare
       - Solar Technology
- Deputation
       - Ministry Partner Development
       - Mission Fests & Conferences
       - Fundraising
       - Prayer Support
- Ethnic Resources
       - Contextualization
       - Cultural Specific Tools
- Furlough Needs
       - Clothes & Personal Items
       - Housing / Hospitality Networks
       - Retreats
       - Vehicles / Transportation
- Health & Safety
       - Insurance
       - Medical Care
       - Security Abroad
- International Travel
       - Airline Booking
       - Embassy & Visa
       - Evacuations
       - Insurance
       - Safety

- Maps & Country Info
       - Country Fact Sheets
       - Country Maps
        - Country Profiles
       - World Maps
- Media Ministry Tools
       - Audio Scriptures
       - Conceptualized Bible Pictures
       - Downloadable Media
       - Media & Movies
       - Mobile Ministry Tools
- Mission & Global News
       - Global Mission News
       - World News Updates
- MK / TCK
       - Homeschooling
       - Third Culture Kid Resources
- Research Information
       - Evangelical Stutistics
       - Online Directories
       - People Group Profiles
       - Unreached People Groups
- Short-Termers
       - Finding Short-Termers
       - Orientation & Hosting
       - Debriefing
- Technical
       - Computer Tech Support
       - Internet / Email Assistance
       - Missionary Websites
       - Online Networking
- Training
       - Missionary Training
        - Scholarships for Missionaries

Visit the RESOURCES FOR MISSIONARIES blog and sign up to receive updates of new resources being shared.  

Inspirational Living

Please be patient with us, as this website is still new and “under construction”
Last update: 06-25-15
Provides free web hosting for missionaries. If you cannot build a website they will build it for you.

Free websites, free hosting, free design tools, more. Ad supported, or pay $5/month for no ads. Not necessarily Christian.

Web hosting for Christian sites. Dependable, economical services.

Provides a hosting service designed exclusively for Missionaries and staff of Missions ministries to create and maintain their own website or blog.
for missionaries
Free computer consulting and training for Christian missionaries and ministry communities.
Providing technical service for missionaries.
PC Manual for Missionaries
Computers have made missions a lot easier in some ways, but also harder in others.
Finally a User Manual for Your Computer!
Learn to use this tool called a computer. Learn to use it well so you can spend less time and money on your computer stuff and more time and money on the people you were sent to reach.
Practical information on topics relevant to missionaries.  
Some of the best articles include:
Global Economic Outreach
Assisted Networking
GEO helps to put missionaries in touch with the right people who can answer their questions or give them the assistance needed.
When missionaries need information they contact GEO and request a partner with a certain set of skills, especially in regards to community and economical development.
Is someone listening to your online communications?
Stormwind provides encryption services that protect your online communications.
This is a VPN Service that helps provide extra online security as well as making it possible for international users to access websites that would otherwise be restricted to non-US servers.
(A very helpful tool for people working in creative access countries.)