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Inspirational Living

Please be patient with us, as this website is still new and “under construction”
Last update: 06-25-15
On Being a Missionary
By Thomas Hale
A great book of practical advice for missionaries, from a man with hand-on experience and a great sense of humor!
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Books for Missionaries
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Christian e-books on the topic of using modern technology for evangelism and outreach.
www. Internet Evangelism Day .com
Net Casters: Using the Internet to make Fishers of Men
By Craig von Buseck
A place to buy books and resources for people engaged in Kingdom work.
Operation World releases a wall map in conjunction with the updated book.
The world map measures 24” x 36”
the definitive prayer guide to every nation
Up-to-date resources to help you be more informed in praying for the nations around the world.
Son of the Underground: The Life of Isaac Liu, Son of Brother Yun, the Heavenly Man
The Heavenly Man: The Remarkable True Story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun
Books on House Churches and Church Planting . . .
Books on Mu-s-lim Ministry . . .
Publishing Mission Books & Resources Since 1969


Free Online Training Manuals Regarding Church Planting at

The Alliance

Missionary Biographies and Autobiographies . . .