Note: If you know of other similar resources please email me about them at:

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Inspirational Living

Please be patient with us, as this website is still new and “under construction”
Last update: 06-25-15
Health & Safety
A network of believers who share each other’s medical burdens. Similar to Samaritan’s Purse, but with CHM there is only one address where you send monthly payments, and they offer the option for your payment to automatically be deducted from your bank account, making it a much more viable option for overseas missionaries.
I cannot even begin to say how please my husband and I are to be a part of CHM. We really appreciate their focus on prayer, and their willingness to provide a way in which believers can still receive financial aid, even for medical expenses that would not otherwise be covered by insurance (such as pre-existing conditions).
It is such a blessing to know that our monthly “insurance” premiums are going towards helping other believers, and such a relief to know that our money is not supporting abortions or unethical expenses. We also appreciate how affordable they are, making it possible for us to have medical insurance coverage even on our small missionary salary. This organization has been an answer to prayer!
~ Kelsey Weber ~
* Insurance Services of America
Assisting missionaries, churches and mission groups with international health and life insurance.

* Good Neighbor Insurance
A listing of health insurance plans for every conceivable missionary need: Career workers, short-term workers, short-term teams, internationals coming to the USA, furlough, USA short-term coverage, medical evacuation, war/terrorism etc.
Also view their manual of medical advice and tips for overseas workers. Or browse their library of articles about understanding international health insurance.
Christian Chiropractors Association
(Fort Collins, CO)
Their website lists names and contact information for Christian doctors nation wide.
They also offer a program called ‘Furlough Care Program’. Free chiropractic care is available to missionaries and their families who are at home on furlough or to those who are on deputation and who are about to leave the country for one year or more.
Online health database to use as a quick reference to questions pertaining to general health and standard medicine.
International Health Advisory
International Medical Group
Insurance for missionaries and international travelers.
Insurance coverage for missionaries . . . individuals or groups . . . short term trips or long term service!
Insurance Service of America
ISA is a Christian organization dedicated to assisting missionaries with affordable international health, life, and travel insurance.
(includes terrorism coverage)
Security Training DVD
In just six training sessions your team will learn how to handle hostage situations, demands for information, and general criminal activity. Specifically focused on security issues relevant to overseas missions. Includes true testimonials from missionaries and short-termers who were victims of various crimes.
A very relevant training tool for both new and experiences teams.
Crisis Consulting International
Crisis Consulting International exists to assist the global Christian community in fulfilling the Great Commission by providing security, training, and crisis management services.

Hesperian Books


Hesperian Health Guides publishes 20 titles, spanning women’s health, children, disabilities, dentistry, health education, HIV, and environmental health.

Village Medical Manual
This is a self-teaching medical tutorial for use by non-medical missionaries working in remote areas.
It focuses on cookbook-type diagnosis, using logical protocols/flow diagrams with no medical jargon. Similar to Where There is No Doctor, but much more text and information and fewer pictures and illustrations. Best used along side the Where There is No Doctor book.
The course is available for free download at 
It requires the use of the Village Medical Manual, available on Amazon.
Emergency Evacuations
Facilitates cooperation and coordination of missionary aviation assets for contingency evacuation of missionaries and family members in underdeveloped countries.
Where There is No Doctor  | Where Women Have No Doctor
A Book for Midwives  |  Where There is No Dentist
Disabled Village Children

These books and more are available in print or as free pdf downloads from Hesperian.

Many of these books are also available in other languages.
là où il n’y a pas de docteur
This French version of the
“Where There is No Doctor” book was published by a private publishing house in Senegal.
Copies can be purchased from Enda. Please note that they do not have any online ordering option. The best way to purchase them is to contact Enda via email ( and send them the payment through Western Union.  
When we purchased this book from Enda it cost us 17,500 cfa
(about $35 each).
If you need an online purchasing option this book is also available on
Amazon France – but for a much higher price.
Is someone listening to your online communications?
Stormwind provides encryption services that protect your online communications.
This is a VPN Service that helps provide extra online security as well as making it possible for international users to access websites that would otherwise be restricted to non-US servers.
(A very helpful tool for people working in creative access countries.)
Elkhart, Indiana – Dr. Lovan gives assistance (highly discounted rates) to missionaries on Wednesdays each week.
MI and IA – Pine Rest addresses a wide range of mental health needs of people in ministry, including depression, anxiety, and marital and family problems, as well as particular ministry stressors.