Note: If you know of other similar resources please email me about them at:

- Care, Support, & Community
       - Care Packages
       - Encouragement & Counseling
       - Help for Missionary Moms
       - Support Groups
- Church Planting
- Community Development
       - Economics & Agriculture
       - Healthcare
       - Solar Technology
- Deputation
       - Ministry Partner Development
       - Mission Fests & Conferences
       - Fundraising
       - Prayer Support
- Ethnic Resources
       - Contextualization
       - Cultural Specific Tools
- Furlough Needs
       - Clothes & Personal Items
       - Housing / Hospitality Networks
       - Retreats
       - Vehicles / Transportation
- Health & Safety
       - Insurance
       - Medical Care
       - Security Abroad
- International Travel
       - Airline Booking
       - Embassy & Visa
       - Evacuations
       - Insurance
       - Safety

- Maps & Country Info
       - Country Fact Sheets
       - Country Maps
        - Country Profiles
       - World Maps
- Media Ministry Tools
       - Audio Scriptures
       - Conceptualized Bible Pictures
       - Downloadable Media
       - Media & Movies
       - Mobile Ministry Tools
- Mission & Global News
       - Global Mission News
       - World News Updates
- MK / TCK
       - Homeschooling
       - Third Culture Kid Resources
- Research Information
       - Evangelical Stutistics
       - Online Directories
       - People Group Profiles
       - Unreached People Groups
- Short-Termers
       - Finding Short-Termers
       - Orientation & Hosting
       - Debriefing
- Technical
       - Computer Tech Support
       - Internet / Email Assistance
       - Missionary Websites
       - Online Networking
- Training
       - Missionary Training
        - Scholarships for Missionaries

Visit the RESOURCES FOR MISSIONARIES blog and sign up to receive updates of new resources being shared.  

Inspirational Living

Please be patient with us, as this website is still new and “under construction”
Last update: 06-25-15
Care, Support, and Community
Barnabas International
Are you in need of encouragement?
Are you reaching the point of ministry burnout?
Do your kids need help transitioning between cultures?
Barnabas International exits to edify, encourage, enrich, and strengthen servants in ministry. Their primary focus is to minister to people in full-time ministry.
Help for missionaries who are struggling.
Providing help and member care when
and where it’s needed.
Online or in-person counseling (they will even come to your host country to meet with you if if that is what you really need).
Free ebooks and brochures on topics of finances, stress, re-entry, marriage issues, MK concerns, illness, grief, burnout, etc.
Mental Health Resources for
Cross Cultural Workers
Do you work in a creative access country?
You can still receive the same resources and care, but in a format that is sensitive to your setting and security needs by using the alternative site: Cross Cultural Workers.
Strengthening and Encouraging missionaries and those that send them are at the heart of what we do.
* Missionary care via Skype, email, or phone.
* Missionary Debriefing
* Pastoral Counseling
* Boot Camp for people interested in caring for missionaries
* Boot Camp for missionaries to learn to care for other missionaries
* Care for Mission Agencies and helping them improve their member care services.
* Workshops for supporting churches on how to better care for their missionaries
Your Package Shipped to Your Missionary Internationally – FAST!
Partners with Pro Star Logistics an authorized provider of DHL the world’s largest global express parcel carrier. With our large group buying power we’re able to negotiate unheard of discounts we turn around and offer to our members. About 50% or more off list prices of similar carriers. The best part is in most cases we’ll even pick up the parcel right from your doorstep. Free Rate Quotes.
Note: this site is mainly geared towards LDS missionaries, but they are non-exclusive and serve non-LDS members as well.
For Missionary Moms
A blog spot with links to LOTS of missionary mom blogs.
Connect with other women and enjoy mutual support and encouragement!
Melisa Ruble
Serving those who serve interculturally to assist the women to thrive in their field of calling; providing a variety of resources such as encouragement, prayer, Bible studies, coaching, mentoring, educational consulting for homeschoolers, personal debriefing, and more!

phone: (614) 423-5383
Ron & Donna Beitzel Supporting Missionaries at Home & Across the Globe
It is our goal to come alongside missionaries with special needs such as: Medical/Surgical recovery, High Stress situations, Special Family needs.