Note: If you know of other similar resources please email me about them at:

- Care, Support, & Community
       - Care Packages
       - Encouragement & Counseling
       - Help for Missionary Moms
       - Support Groups
- Church Planting
- Community Development
       - Economics & Agriculture
       - Healthcare
       - Solar Technology
- Deputation
       - Ministry Partner Development
       - Mission Fests & Conferences
       - Fundraising
       - Prayer Support
- Ethnic Resources
       - Contextualization
       - Cultural Specific Tools
- Furlough Needs
       - Clothes & Personal Items
       - Housing / Hospitality Networks
       - Retreats
       - Vehicles / Transportation
- Health & Safety
       - Insurance
       - Medical Care
       - Security Abroad
- International Travel
       - Airline Booking
       - Embassy & Visa
       - Evacuations
       - Insurance
       - Safety

- Maps & Country Info
       - Country Fact Sheets
       - Country Maps
        - Country Profiles
       - World Maps
- Media Ministry Tools
       - Audio Scriptures
       - Conceptualized Bible Pictures
       - Downloadable Media
       - Media & Movies
       - Mobile Ministry Tools
- Mission & Global News
       - Global Mission News
       - World News Updates
- MK / TCK
       - Homeschooling
       - Third Culture Kid Resources
- Research Information
       - Evangelical Stutistics
       - Online Directories
       - People Group Profiles
       - Unreached People Groups
- Short-Termers
       - Finding Short-Termers
       - Orientation & Hosting
       - Debriefing
- Technical
       - Computer Tech Support
       - Internet / Email Assistance
       - Missionary Websites
       - Online Networking
- Training
       - Missionary Training
        - Scholarships for Missionaries

Visit the RESOURCES FOR MISSIONARIES blog and sign up to receive updates of new resources being shared.  

Inspirational Living

Please be patient with us, as this website is still new and “under construction”
Last update: 06-25-15
Find Short-Termers
Are you wanting to get short-term teams to come to your location? Considering promoting your ministry through these websites:

Short-Term Teams Security Training DVD
If you need your short-termers to be security conscious when coming to your location this is a good training tool, it’s a DVD titled “Safe Travel Solutions”.
In just six training sessions your team will learn how to handle hostage situations, demands for information, and general criminal activity. Specifically focused on security issues relevant to overseas missions, and even includes true testimonials from missionaries and short-termers who were victims of various crimes.
A very relevant training tool for both new and experiences teams.