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Favorite Books on Marriage

Love & Respect (by Emerson Eggerichs)
The Five Love Languages (by Gary Chapman)
The Love Dare (by Alex & Stephen Kendrick)
Reforming Marriage (by Douglas Wilson)
Sacred Marriage: What if God Designed Marriage to Make Us Holy More Than to Make Us Happy? (by Gary Thomas) -- The title speaks for itself. An insightful read with practical tools for application.

To Love, Honor, and Vacuum: When You Feel More Like a Maid Than a Wife and Mother (by Sheila Wray Gregoire) --  Every mom feel worn out and in a rut from time to time. This book gives encouragement, motivation, hope, and practical advice for such a time. Not just another housekeeping pep talk for moms -- this book is different from the rest!
The Respect Dare (by Nina Roesner)
For Women Only (by Shaunti Feldhahn)
How To Encourage Your Husband (by Nancy Campbell)
Passion Pursuit: What Kind of Love Are You Making? (by Linda Dillows & Dr. Juli Slattery)
Feminine Appeal (by Carolyn Mahaney)
Radical Womanhood: Feminine Faith in a Feminist World (by Carolyn McCulley) -- There are many dangerous feminist ideas and thinking that have crept into our church today and taken hold of women's hearts. This is a radical look at what it really means to be a Biblical woman.

Created to Need a Help Meet (by Michael Pearl)
For Men Only (by Shaunti & Jeff Feldhahn)
Sex, Romance, and the Glory of God (by C.J. & Carolyn Mahaney)

Intended for Pleasure (by Ed & Gaye Wheat)
Great Sex for Moms: Ten Steps to Nurturing Passion While Raising Kids (by Valerie Raskin) – Not just for wives, husbands are encouraged to read this too.  It can be a real struggle for women to reclaim their sex drive after having a baby or entering the busy stage of motherhood. Written in a light-hearted, entertaining manner, while still offering valuable information and helpful suggestions for reclaiming your sex drive in any stage of motherhood.
Sex Begins in the Kitchen: Creating Intimacy to Make Your Marriage Sizzle (by Kevin Leman) -- More than just a book about sex, it is about the general husband and wife relationship. Great insights, wisdom, practical advice, and humor!
Sheet Music (by Kevin Leman)
The Act of Marriage (by Tim & Beverly LaHaye)
The Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex (by Sheila Wray Gregoire)
31 Days to Great Sex (by Sheila Wray Gregoire)