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Relationship Questions
They say that “love is blind” and how true that is. But, unfortunately, love is the most blind at the beginning of a relationship when our emotions and romantic fantasies cloud our ability to think clearly or to see the other person in the light of who they really are.
It is so easy, in the early stages of a relationship, to see only the good in the other person, to brush off any negative factors, or to hold to the very dangerous view that “they can change” when it comes to any “serious” flaws.
It usually isn’t until some time after you’ve been married that love’s “blinders” are removed and suddenly it’s so much easier to see their faults and much harder to see the good in the person you chose to spend the rest of your life with.
Unfortunately, for many people, they marry for “love” and then later realize that their love was so blind at the beginning that they didn’t realize just how incompatible they really were as a couple.
For those who really want to have a great marriage, it is critical to be very intentional about taking off the “love blinders” in the early stages of a relationship and really take an honest look at the person you are considering to spend the rest of your life with.
And since it can be extremely difficult to be “clear-
Once you have evaluated all the possibilities and have honestly examined the various aspects of your relationship, your compatibility, and the potential you have for succeeding as a married couple, THEN it is time to put on the love blinders and be completely accepting of your partner, with no resolve, no regrets, and no looking back or second guessing your choice in a life partner.
Love SHOULD be blind, but not before marriage . . . not when there is so much on the line and so much that depends on you making a wise choice in who you are going to marry.
Be very careful in choosing your life partner. A good marriage can be the closest thing to heaven on earth . . . but a bad marriage can be the closest thing to hell. It really is better to remain single in life than to rush in and marry the wrong person.
The document provided below contain questions that are intended to help you take off the “love blinders” and take an honest look at yourself, the person you are considering, and the prospect of whether or not this is the person you should marry.
>> Questions to Ask When Choosing a Life Partner (.pdf)