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Play Through the Bible – Moses

October 2016 – I didn’t have to put much effort into getting my daughter engaged with the story of Moses. She was already familiar with the story from watching her Read & Share Bible movie and reading the Bible App Storybook. She took a special interest in the story of Moses and, without any instigating on my part, I watched with pleasure as she took up a stick from the yard and declared, “I’m Moses! Come mommy, we need to go see Pharaoh!”

At the time I had been planning to do some Creation activities with her, but seeing that she was particularly interested in the story of Moses (and knowing that her topics of interest can change very suddenly) I abandoned my own agenda for a time and took advantage of the opportunity to explore the story of Moses with her.

For starters, I just let her imagination lead. She was already familiar with the story of Moses, so she play acted the parts of the story that stood out most in her mind. She paraded around the village with a stick in hand. Occasionally she would throw the stick down on the ground and say, “It’s a snake!”. But for the most part she just enjoyed pretending that she was Moses going off to look for Pharaoh (and eventually concluding that daddy was Pharaoh).

We talked a little about the story as we walked. I had her tell me the story as best she could and I helped fill in the blanks or jog her memory regarding the details she didn’t remember so well.

Her play-acting was pretty simple, but she’s only 2 years old. The main thing is that she was having a lot of fun and really engaging in the Bible story.

The next day I was a little more prepared to really engage the story with her. We started out by reading the story of Moses in her children’s Bible and just talking about it together.

Then I asked if she wanted to make a picture of Baby Moses in the basket. She was very thrilled by the idea, so we worked together at making the picture – me drawing and she coloring. Then I had her help me cut out strips of green paper and glue them in place to serve as the grass (or reeds) that helped to hide the basket.

When the picture was finished she exclaimed, “We need princess!” so I went and pulled out some other craft supplies and we went on to construct a picture of the princess.

This one was a bit more complex, involving a lot of cutting and gluing. I drew the basic outline of a face, and then had her glue on the eyes, nose, and mouth, followed by yarn for the hair, and decorated with pretty sequence.

When it was all finished, we hung her pictures on the wall and spent a little time talking about the pictures and recalling parts of the story again. Then I asked her if she wanted to pretend to be the princess and she was more than happy to oblige.

So I got her a basket, a blanket, and one of her dolls. We made her a very simple crown out of construction paper. And I found her a pair of dress-up shoes and a pretty shawl.

That was all I had to do on my part. You give a little girl some dress-up clothes and a doll and she’s as content as can be.

She went on happily playing on her own, pretending to be the princess taking care of the baby Moses.

It was adorable!

Printable Mini Coloring Book: Jochebed, The Brave Mother of Moses

Jochebed, The Brave Mother of Moses is a printable, mini book that is free to download and print to help teach children the story of Moses. Available both in color and black and white (coloring book).
There are actually several books in this same series that feature the life of Moses, so be sure to check them out!

God’s Story - Moses. Short, but very informative and entertaining teachings. A great way to introduce the story or use as a way to reinforce the lesson.

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