Be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings . . . for they are life to those who find them, and healing to all their flesh.  (Proverbs 4:20-22 ESV)

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“Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for healing.”

(Ezekiel 47:12ESV)

 New Hope for People with Fibromyalgia

“Hope”and “healing” are words that are very seldom used by people who have Fibromyalgia. The idea that someone can actually do more than just “manage their symptoms”but could actually go on to be completely cured of Fibromyalgia seems to go against everything we know about the condition. But, contrary to popular belief, Fibromyalgia is a treatable condition and there has been an increasing number of reports of Fibromyalgia patients who have experienced complete relief from all their

 Consuming Essential Oils Safely

There is a lot of controversy about the topic of taking essential oils internally and a lot of information going around that is actually very dangerous. When I read a lot of the articles and information that is circulating around the internet I really see this as being a kind of “dangerous fad”.

For the record, I am not against using essential oils internally, in fact, I am about to share with you a bunch of information

 A Gentle (but thorough) Colon Cleanse

Doing a complete colon cleanse is a really great way to improve your body’s overall health and wellness.  This program is designed to give a very gentle, but thorough cleanse. It focuses on cleaning out toxins and poisons from the body while at the same time healing and supporting the digestive tract and replenishing the probiotics and enzymes needed for a healthy balance of intestinal flora.

 Fingernail Analysis

Whatever happens to your health on the inside of the body will show through on the outside in one way or another, and one of the ways it can show is through the condition of your fingernails. So your fingernails can actually tell you a lot about the condition of your body and your health.

 Is Cleanliness Giving Your Kids Allergies?

Whenever I return to the United States after an extensive stay on the mission field of West Africa, I am always amazed and shocked to see how many families are struggling with kids who are allergic to so many things.

For the longest time I was very puzzled by this. In all my years of doing health care in Africa I have only once come across a case of someone who had allergies. Asthma, yes, but allergic reactions to what people eat, no.

 Recommended Books and Resources

I have had a lot of people asking me for recommendations on books and resources for learning more about herbs, health, and natural (or alternative) healing, so here is a listing of some of my favorites!