Be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings . . . for they are life to those who find them, and healing to all their flesh.  (Proverbs 4:20-22 ESV)

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Recommended Books and Resources

The following is a list of my absolute favorite health books and resources. These are my “go-to” resources that I have been using for several years and have really benefited from.

Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine

Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine: 550 Herbs and Remedies for Common Ailments (DK Publishing). This was the very first herb book I ever bought, and still continues to be an all-time favorite. DK Publishing does a great job of creating beautiful, colorful reference books with very well written, easy to comprehend, information.

The Complete Illustrated Book of Herbs

The Complete Illustrated Book of Herbs (Reader’s Digest). I found this particular book to be especially helpful when planting a medicinal garden. Such beautiful, useful illustrations to help with identifying plants and planning out the garden landscape. Also very useful and detailed information for every aspect of gardening and harvesting.

Natural Remedies Encyclopedia

Natural Remedies Encyclopedia (Vance Ferrell). This is one of the first home remedies books I ever purchased and still continues to be one of the first books I grab off the shelf for any and every type of ailment.

The Healing Power of Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs

The Healing Power of Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs (Reader’s Digest). This book is excellent for those who are first discovering how to use vitamins, minerals, and herbs, but even for those who are more advanced in the subject who are just looking for a quick “memory jog” or a quick reference to any of the number of nutrients and supplements, this is a really great resource!

Practical Herbalism

Practical Herbalism: Ordinary Plants with Extraordinary Powers (Philip Fritchey). I can’t even begin to tell you how much I learned from this book! It is definitely one of those books that is on my list for reading again and digging deeper into. This isn’t so much your beginners book, but it is written in an easy to comprehend sort of way, and is perfect for those who are interested in diving deeper into the topic of herbalism and the overall health of the body.

Your Health, Your Choice

Your Health, Your Choice (M. Ted Morter). This is especially a good book for those who have health issues that are directly related to the “Typical American Diet” – or for those who are trying to help such people. I found that this book did an exceptional job of explaining why so many Americans experience issues with their Gallbladders, and how to both prevent and resolve such issues without the need for surgery.

Heal Yourself: Mind, Body, Spirit

Heal Yourself: Mind, Body, Spirit (Marcia F. Kamph). One of my absolute favorite books!! When I first started reading this book I couldn’t hardly put it down. It’s small and easy reading, but does an excellent job of putting things in layman’s terms so that anyone can understand.