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“Judge for yourselves: is it proper for a wife to pray to God with her head uncovered? Does not nature itself teach you that if a man wears long hair it is a disgrace for him, but if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For her hair is given to her for a covering.”

(1 Corinthians 11:13-15ESV)

 What the Bible Says About Head Coverings

Are you really wanting to know what God says about head coverings? Are you really willing to be obedient to what God says in His word, even if it goes against your desires, your pride, your family, your culture, and even the teachings of your pastor and church congregation?

Join us for this verse-by-verse look at 1 Corinthians 11 and how these verses apply to women today.

 Head Covering in Real Life

When we think of head coverings we often picture women with very “old fashioned” looking styles. We don’t see many examples of modern day head covering styles, or examples of what covering your head can look like for the modern day woman. But quite honestly, you don’t need to feel like you’re passing through a time machine in your attempts to live up to your convictions.

 Online Support Groups for Covering Christians

For a lot of women, the conviction to start wearing head coverings is not one that is well received by family, friends, or even pastors and church congregations. A woman can feel very alone, and even judged in this decision, which is why an online support group was created to be a source of encouragement and inspiration for head covering Christian women.

 Head Covering Frequently Asked Questions

There are many differing views and opinions on the topic of head coverings. The following are my own convictions and beliefs based on the Biblical, historical, and scientific study of the subject, and based on the personal experiences I have had as a Christian covering woman.

I feel like I still have so much to learn on the topic of head coverings for Christian

 Encouraging Young Daughters to Cover

Coming Soon!

 Head Coverings Around the World

As I was compiling the article, Head Coverings Throughout History, I felt compelled to also take a little “picture tour” of different head coverings from different cultures around the world. Head coverings that are still being worn today! Those who would say that head coverings are “a thing of the past” and are no longer relevant to the culture today often disregard the fact

 The Science of Long Hair and Head Coverings

Coming Soon!

 Head Coverings Throughout History

Something I have found very interesting in my study of head coverings is that all throughout history women have felt compelled to wear head coverings as a part of their fashion and dress.

The styles have changed very drastically through the years giving quite a contrast and variation of fashions, and yet, through it all, there has always remained

 Favorite Christian Head Covering Resources

Here is a great collection of resources pertaining to Christian head covering; books, articles, audio sermons, website articles, wrapping tutorials, and more! Even links on where you can buy a variety of different head coverings.

No matter where you are in this amazing journey, there are resources here for