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Busy Mom Bible Study: From Stressed to Refreshed

Welcome to another month of the Busy Mom Bible Study Series! This month’s topic is STRESS (a word that is all too familiar to moms!).

Something I have learned over the years is that (as strange as it may sound) in those times when you feel the most overwhelmed THAT is the time to stop and seek refreshment from God. When you look at your “to do list” and everything feels so urgent that it “just can’t wait”, THAT is when you need to set aside the urgent and take a day off to just rest. When people press in and demand so much from you that you find it hard to even breath, THAT is when you most need to step away and take the time to be alone with God.

Dear mom, your body is not equipped to run on empty! You are not meant to live in a constant state of stress! It’s not healthy, it’s not good, and it’s not God best for you.

It seems like everyone is so stressed these days. In our culture it is even considered normal (even applauded!) to live in a constant state of stress. But what is stress? Stress is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. Stress is your body’s way of kicking in and coping in a state of emergency. It is meant to be a mode of self-preservation in the midst of a storm.

But what does Jesus say to the storms of life? “Peace! Be still!”

If anyone ever had a real reason to be stressed, it would be Jesus! Bearing the full weight of the world on His shoulders. Only having three years to complete the biggest mission in the history of the world. Dealing with crowds of people day in and day out. Literally having mobs of needy, desperate people knocking down the doors and coming in through the ceilings to get to Him. Not having enough time to eat, sleep, and take care of His own physical needs. . . . And yet, in spite of all this, Jesus was not stressed. He was the most peaceful, calm, and collect person you will ever know.

And what’s more, He wants you to live with that same peace that He has to offer! So come! Join me on this journey of laying aside the stress in your life and discovering what it means to be at peace and to allow “times of refreshing” to come from the Lord!

This study is completely FREE and requires no advance preparation. Just use the links below to get your copy of the Bible study and printable worksheets, then grab your Bible and a pen and get started!

>> Download the From Stressed to Refreshed Bible Study

>> Download the Bible Study Worksheet