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Praying for Your Husband: Possessions

Lord, you are the God who gives and takes away, blessed be your name!

Thank you, Lord, for all that you have given us. Thank you for your faithful provision of our needs. And thank you for the many blessings we enjoy from you each and every day.

In regards to material possessions I ask that you would keep us from holding on to them too tightly. Instead, let us hold them up with open hands, offering them to you, knowing that they are a gift from you, our loving father who loves to give good gifts to your children.

Never allow these "things" to take your place in our hearts or to turn us away from you. Never allow us to put our security in materialism, finances, or earthly investments. Be Lord over all we have and keep us from having unhealthy dependency on materialistic things.

As we seek to be good stewards, working with our hands and “earning our bread”, I pray that you would help us not be become distracted by the earning of money, or overly focused on it. Help us to continue to see it as a useful tool and not the end in itself. Let it never be our goal to earn money for money’s sake, but rather for the purpose of furthering your kingdom and for the purpose of blessing others. Help us be more and more generous with what we have and to genuinely be “poor in spirit”.

Help us never to measure our worth or success based on how much we have but give us the desire to live in humble simplicity. Help us to live simply and to give generously, giving back to you all that you have given us, and sharing these blessings with others.

Father, thank you for this life that you have given us. I thank you for my husband and our children. Thank you for you blessing on our marriage and family. Thank you for making us rich in love and rich in you, rather than rich in materialistic things which have no ability to satisfy. You have given us so much more! Lord, I pity those who seek happiness in materialism. How empty their lives much be! Thank you for giving us more than that -- for giving us a sense of purpose! Keep us from desiring any other life-style than the one you have intended for us. Help us find our value only in you!


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