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Praying for Your Husband: Helpmeet

Heavenly Father, in your great wisdom you have said that it is not good for man to be alone, so out of his side, and of his very flesh, you created a helpmeet for him -- you created a woman.

Father, I am truly honored when I think of how you have molded and shaped me to be exactly the kind of woman that ___(name)___ needs. I am honored that you made me with him in mind, to be a priceless treasure from your hand, a valuable gift and expression of your love towards this man.

I acknowledge the fact that you have given me the power to either build him up or tear him down, to be to him either a blessing or a curse. I confess that I am not always the blessing that you intend for me to be.

I have heard it said many times that behind every great man is a great woman, and I know this to be true. So I ask that you would build me up and instill in me your godly character that I may grow to be more and more equipped for this incredible role you have placed me in.

Father, I truly believe that you intend to do great things through ___(name)___, and I am absolutely amazed and humbled by the fact that you have chosen me to help him. But Lord, I cannot do this on my own. I ask that you would teach me and show me how to best be a helpmeet for him. Use me, Father, use me in ways far beyond what I could ever hope or imagine. Help me to be exactly what he needs me to be and to continue to grow in my ability to serve him with a willing heart.

Let me be a channel of your grace. Let me be an inspiration to my husband. Help me to be a true friend and a source of encouragement to him. Make me to me the kind of person that he can trust completely and feel able to confide in.

I pray that even as ___(name)___ goes out each day and battles the many trials of life, that he would always see in me a safe haven, a place of refuge where he can let down his guard and feel safe, secure, adequate, and complete. Help me to always welcome him with open and loving arms. Help me to create an atmosphere of peace in our home and let me be to him a soothing and refreshing spirit.

Father, I know that he needs me. Help me to be sensitive to his needs and observant to anticipate things I can do that would be a help and encouragement to him.

Lord, I ask that you would take away my selfishness, my impatience, my irritability, and the bad habits I have formed in how I relate to him. Replace these things with kindness, gentleness, patience, and a willing to serve. Take away any negative emotions that would put up a wall between us. Help me to be tender, faithful, affectionate, humble, and sacrificial towards him.  

Show me where there is sin in my heart, especially in the way I relate to ___(name)___.

I confess the times I have been unloving, critical, judgmental, angry, resentful, disrespectful, and even unforgiving towards him. I confess the times that I have allowed inner struggles, negative emotions, insecurities, stress, and frustrations to dictate how I react to him.

I confess the times that I have allowed unrealistic expectations to breed discontentment in my heart, and the times that I have caused him unnecessary pain. Forgive me, Lord, and take away these unrealistic expectations that I have. I lay all my expectations at the foot of your cross, embracing the fact that my husband is not the one I should be looking to for fulfillment in life, but that I need to be looking only to you. Help me to seek you first and not to burden my husband with responsibilities and high expectations that you never intended for him to carry.

Make me teachable and eager to learn and grow in my ability to be a help to him. Help me to set aside my own ideas, as well as cultural or social pressures, in regards to what being a “helpmeet” should look like. Help me instead to be willing to search out and embrace my husband’s view of what it looks like, so that I can truly be a real help to him in ways he needs me to be.

I also ask that you would help me to step out of my comfort zone and be more intentionally about express my love for him in ways that speak to his heart. I know that we have differences in how we communicate love for one another, and differences in the ways we feel loved. I ask that you would help me to learn more and more how I can communicate love to him in ways that he can feel

I praise you for who you have made ___(name)___ to be and for many qualities you have placed within him. Help me to lovingly accept him the way he is and never try to change him. Lord, you have created him to be the quality man that he is, help me to overlook the little things that may irritate or annoy me, and help me to focus instead on all the good qualities you have placed inside him and the many things that I admire about who you have made him to be.

Show me what unconditional love really is and how to communicate it to him in ways that he can see, and feel, and comprehend. Teach me how to be supportive of him and how to demonstrate to him the fullness of the love and adoration I have for him.

Show me what unconditional respect looks like and how I can better communicate respect in my words and actions. Teach me what it looks like practically to be submissive and respectful to him. Help me to build him up with verbal affirmation and supportive actions. Help me to never speak badly of him to others and to never bring him shame or embarrassment.

Enable ___(name)___ in his role of leadership and show me how to support and respect him. Help me to understand his dreams and see things from his perspective.

Teach me how to more effectively pray for my husband. Help me to be disciplined in praying for him. Motivate me to pray for him both regularly (in times of concentrated prayer) and also randomly (throughout the day whenever he comes to mind). May my prayers be a true language of love for him and truly impact his life for your glory!

Help me to be extra sensitive to his needs, and so in-tune with him that I would know how best to pray for him at each moment of the day. Even at times when we are apart and I cannot see his immediate needs, even then you know what his needs are and I pray that you would reveal them to me, in accordance with your will.

I pray that you would hear every prayer I pray on his behalf, even at times when I cannot seem to form the words or keep my thoughts focused. Even in those times, hear the prayer of my heart and its desire for his health and safety. May your hand of blessing be upon him each and every day. Look upon him with your favor and use me to be a blessing to him.

Fill us with your perfect love and bind us together with chords that cannot be broken. Bring unity between us so that we can be in agreement about everything and like-minded towards one another. Make us a real team, not pursuing separate, competitive or independent lives, but working together, overlooking each others faults and balancing each others strengths and weaknesses. That we may be perfectly joined together in the same mind, heart, and spirit.

I pray that our commitment to you and one another will grow stronger and more passionate every day.

Make me a new person. Give me a fresh perspective, a positive outlook and renewed adoration for the man that you have blessed me with. Help me to see him with new eyes, new appreciation, new love, new compassion, and a renewed acceptance of who you have made him to be.

Give ___(name)___ the helpmeet that he needs and desires to have. Give him the woman of his dreams. And let that woman be me!


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