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Busy Mom Bible Study: Praise and Worship

Welcome to another month of the Busy Mom Bible Study Series!

Do you get worn out by all the endless work you have to do? Everyday life as a mom can be really discouraging with work that is constantly demanding and never done. Even as you throw yourself into the tasks at hand – washing dishes, doing laundry, changing diapers, picking up toys – these tasks have a way of “undoing themselves”. Even as you wash the dishes there are more being used and getting dirty. Even as you throw in that next load of laundry your kids are dirtying enough for another load. You change your baby’s diaper, knowing in a couple hours you’re going to need to do it again. You pick up toys in one room only to find a fresh batch of toys being dumped out in the other room.

The work is never done because the house “uncleans itself” faster than you can clean it. Which makes you feel like, what’s the point?!

That is where worship comes in! You see, God designed us to work. He blessed our work. There will always be more work to do, and that is a good thing! But work, without God, is completely pointless – a complete waste of time. But when you invite God into your work, and do it for HIM, that is an act of worship, and worship is the entire reason for your existence! Worship is the key to unlocking “worth” in what you do! When you work “as to the Lord” and praise Him in everything you do (no matter how small and insignificant it may seem), God honors that and causes what you do to suddenly be so worth while!

Let’s keep that in mind this month, as we look at some verses about praise and worship, and just take some time focusing on the attributes of God that are worthy of our praise!

This study is completely FREE and requires no advance preparation. Just use the link below to get your copy of the Bible study, then grab your Bible and a pen and get started!

>> Download the Praise and Worship Bible Study

>> Download the Bible Study Worksheet