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Discover Winter
December 2014 – As “cabin fever” sets in and the kids get antsy indoors, here’s a great way to get them all active and productive during the winter months. Give them the tools and resources, and let them start discovering the science of what happens in nature during the cold and snowy winter, as well as engaging is some fun winter-themed crafts and activities.  

This year, for Christmas, I decided to use “Discover Winter” as sort of a theme in the gifts I got for my family. I purchased some books and resources that followed this theme, as well as a few basic science tools such as binoculars, a  magnifying glass, and winter discovery books.  
Purchasing most of these items used, it wasn’t hard to keep to a reasonable budget. Then I used Pinterest to look up other fun nature ideas that could be done in winter – so many great ideas that don’t cost anything.
I also signed them up for a subscription to “Nature Friend” – a great magazine for kids (and adults) of all ages. It is a Christian magazine that features God’s creation, complete with articles, stories, puzzles, activities, contests, great pictures, and even art lessons that are all about nature. A great way to get the kids active in exploring nature science all year round!

Nature Magazines

Great for all ages (5-99)
$36 for a 1 year subscription (12 magazines / $3 each)
A Christian  magazine containing nature articles, stories, puzzles, activities, art lessons, and more!

Winter Nature Books

by Elizabeth Lawlor

by Henrietta Bancroft

by Bernd Heinrich

by Toni Albert

by Wendy Pfeffer

by Il Sung Na

by Margaret Hall

by Mark Cassino

Discover Winter on Pinterest

Visit my Discover Winter Pinterest Board for lots of winter discovery ideas, science projects, crafts, and more!

Free Frozen Printables

For more fun Frozen stuff see my Frozen Pinterest Board!
Download the 
Original Frozen Soundtrack 
at Google Play
or at

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