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How to Save All the Images from Your Pinterest Boards

(so you can refer to them off-line)

I don’t always have ready access to the Internet, but love referring to the images on Pinterest as a means of brainstorming and developing ideas for my many crafts and projects.

I have been trying for a very long time to find a way to download the images in my Pinterest boards so that I can refer to them off-line or even print them out to keep in my organizing binder.

Well, it’s been a long and frustrating journey, but I have finally found an easy and straight forward way of doing it.

The program I ended up using is called JDownloader. It’s a free program, very easy to use, and does a fantastic job of saving the images from Pinterest.

I used the program to download all the images in an entire Pinterest board. The JDownloader automatically creates a new folder on your computer for each board that you choose to download. Then it saves each of the pins from that board as their own individual JPG file/picture in the new folder.

I had one Pinterest Board that had close to 700 pins in it, it took a couple tries, but in the end the JDownloader program saved every single one of those pins as a JPG picture, so I now have them on my computer and can view them without having to be on the internet.

Note: This program does not save any of the text associated with the pictures, it only saves the images of each pin. But since my primary purpose is to have off-line visual inspiration for my projects, that’s really all I need anyway!

Download and Install the JDownloader Program

The JDownloader software is a free software program that I found works really well for saving the images in my Pinterest boards. It downloads as an .rar (zipped) file, so you may need to download another program to unzip it (I just used the free program RAR File Open Knife).

Once you download the program, unzip the file, and install the program on the machine, you should be all set for using it to save your Pinterest images.

Start Downloading From Your Pinterest Boards

This is the fun part!

1) Go online to your Pinterest account and open whichever board you are wanting to save.

2) Copy the URL (the exact website address at the top of your internet browser).

3) Open the JDownloader program and click on the tab that says “LinkGrabber”.

4) With your mouse, right click on the main area in the program and from the menu that appears select “Paste Links”.

5) In the bottom, right hand corner of the program click the button that says “Start All Downloads”.

Need help?

The JDownloader is actually very easy to use, but can be a little overwhelming the first time. Here’s a good step-by-step tutorial on how to use it:

>> How to Use JDownloader

Ending Note . . .

Please, please, please do NOT abuse this information. The whole reason that it is so difficult to save entire Pinterest boards is because of lawsuits related to copyright violations. Please do not make the issue worse by taking advantage of the system or abusing the information provided in this article.

The whole purpose of this article is to help individuals in their personal endeavors by providing a means of viewing their Pinterest content while offline. You should never use someone else’s photos without their permission, and certainly not to make a profit from.

Thank you for respecting the intent of this article. I hope it has been helpful to you.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me at: