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Coffee Senna

senna occidentalis (formally known as cassia occidentalis)

Other Common Names:

Stink Weed, Stinking Pea

Names in Other Languages:

Café Senna (French), Yerba Hedionda (Spanish), Sennakaffee (Dutch), Mwingajini (Swedish)

Botanical Description:

Family: caesalpiniaceae

Senna occidentalis is a perennial shrub that can grow up to 1.5 meters high.

The leaves are even-pinnate and alternate.

The flowers are yellow.

The Pods grow about 15 centimeters long and slightly curve upward. They contain 10-20 seeds each.


Traditional Uses:

Coffee Senna is sometimes used to revive a fainting person by holding the person’s head over the steaming decoction of the leaves (or leaves, fruit, and root).

The ground, raw seeds are taken internally for guinea worms.

The sap from the roots is sometimes used to induce labor in child-birth.


For External Use:

For Internal Use:  

Possible Side Effects:

If you experience any severe side effects or allergic reactions (itching, rash, hives, difficulty breathing, tightness in chest, or any form of swelling), seek medical attention right away!


Do not exceed the recommended dose as it may result in colic conditions.

Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding. Coffee Senna is sometimes used to induce labor and can lead to abortion or other pregnancy complications.

Drug Interactions:

Check with your doctor or health care practitioner before taking with any prescription drugs.

Specific Recommendations for Using Coffee Senna

The following information is categorized according to the most common or popular uses of Coffee Senna and ending with the least common or less researched claims.

Constipation and Hemorrhoids

Bring one cup of water to a boil and add one teaspoon of dried leaves. Steep for about 15-20 minutes, then strain off the juice and drink just before going to bed. Be sure to also drink lots of water throughout the day.

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Mild Cases of Malaria

Prepare a decoction of one handful Coffee Senna leaves in one liter of water. Drink throughout the day and repeat this treatment for seven consecutive days. It may be necessary to use in combination with other antimalarial plants as well.

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Skin Disease

Take a handful of fresh Coffee Senna leaves and crush them until they become soft and juicy. Spread as a poultice on the affected skin and cover with a bandage to hold in place. Change the poultice twice a day.

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Convulsions in Children

Make a preparation of the leaves mixed with palm oil.

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* The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa by J. M. Dalziel, MD

* Natural Medicine in the Tropics by Dr. Hans Martin


Exceeding recommended dosage may result in colic.

Images of Coffee Senna

(click on an image to enlarge)

Traditional Uses:

* Constipation

* Convulsions (in children)

* Diarrhea

* Dropsy

* Dysentery

* Fainting Spells

* Fevers

* Gonorrhea

* Guinea Worms

*Headache (liverish)

* Hemorrhoids

* Hepatitis

* High Blood Pressure

* Induce Labor (childbirth)

* Malaria

* Poison Antidote

* Skin Disease

* Sore Throat

* Stomachache

* Yellow Fever

Nutrients Found in Coffee Senna


Properties and Actions:

* Antibilious

* Diuretic